Recipe For Success: PLACE PERSON’s NAME HERE


Who is one of your mentors?

DELETE THIS PARAGRAPH AFTER READING IT…  This is a case study in success.  What is success?  How do you define it? Who has been successful, from your perspective?  I want you to define success for yourself and find an example of this success in the people around you.  The person can be famous or family.  Success is everywhere.  I want you to find it and examine it.  What made this person successful?  Through examining success in others it helps us see a path to success ourselves.  I want you to practice being successful in all areas of your life.  So, engage in this case study and find and fill in the information listed below.  I used Bill Gates as an example.

Image of Bill Gates
Image of Bill Gate from Wikipedia,

List the person’s birthday and place

EXAMPLE: Born: October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington

Personal Success Definition

EXAMPLE: I define success as someone who creates amazing art or material for the world and who gives back to people around them.

State why are they successful, with your definition?

EXAMPLE: Bill Gates has created a successful business.  He helped bring about powerful, useful computer applications.  He has also helped improve the living conditions for millions of people through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Skills for Success

Describe what skills did they need to master to become successful?

List and describe at least 3

EXAMPLE: Bill Gates is a 1) computer programmer, 2) smart businessman and 3) poker player.  Bill was interested in computers from an early age and learned to write small computer programs.  He was also very smart, “Gates graduated from Lakeside School in 1973. He scored 1590 out of 1600 on the SAT[18] and subsequently enrolled at Harvard College in the autumn of 1973.[19] Prior to the mid-1990s, an SAT score of 1590 corresponded roughly to an IQ of 170. . . ” – Wikipedia.  Bill quit Harvard to start a computer programming company that wrote programs for one of the first hobbyist computers, the MITS Altair 8800. He was also an avid poker player.

How They Used These Skills

Explain how did they use these skills to achieve success?

Picture of Altair 8800:

EXAMPLE: He and Paul Allen used their abilities as programmers to build some of the first programs for hobbyist computers.  This brought them business prospects which they capitalized upon.  Being a poker player helped him with business negotiations.  He was clever and very persuasive. Bill made a shrewd business decision that led to computer software licensing as we know it and helped him build financial success.

Challenges Overcome

Describe what challenges they had to overcome to be successful?

EXAMPLE: Bill Gates had to overcome the stress of starting a small business and the doubt of the people who didn’t see a successful future for Microsoft.  There were hard times for Microsoft in the beginning.  Lean times of low cash flow where success was in doubt.  He persevered through to see his company grow.  He also had a vision of what his company could become.

Significant Work

Embed something they have made that is significant, famous, etc.  This could be a song, YouTube video, an image.  Something to show the reader. The embedded media will give the reader context for this person. Write a brief decription of the media you embedded.


Image from on 9-28-2020

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helps people in the United States and around the world.


Include three resources in your entry, unless it is someone you know, then you can be the information source.


Cite at least one of these sources within the text of your writing

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My name is Scott Le Duc. I have been a learner all of my life. I am an autodidact.

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