DAW Audio Composition Project TEMPLATE


  • In a small paragraph, write what you DID for this project

Audio File Formats and Definitions

AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format): stores standard CD-quality audio; similar to WAV (Higher Quality)

WAV (Waveform Audio File Format): CD audio; can be saved with different sampling and bit rates; similar to AIFF (Higher Quality)

MP3 (Audio File): Used to store audiobooks and music on a hard drive; Close to CD-quality sound; the higher quality sound comes from higher bit rates which also take up more storage space

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface): music data: notes played, when notes are played, how long each note is played, and the velocity of each note played; used to be able to exchange and use information between software and hardware programs; no actual audio data

All the audio file format information is found at: fileinfo.com

Song Used As Template

  • Embed appropriate YouTube video of the song
  • A brief written description of WHY you chose this song GarageBand

GarageBand Tracks

My Composition

  • Upload & link or embed an .mp3 from SoundCloud.com or your Google Drive


  • Write a few comments from other students or advisory members
  • Cite the person who shared the comment
  • Only use first names

What I Learned & Problems I Solved

  • Write what you LEARNED
  • Link to a tutorial you followed

Published by

Scott Le Duc

My name is Scott Le Duc. I have been a learner all of my life. I am an autodidact. So, I am in the right profession. I am a National Board Certified educator currently work at Capital High School teaching International Baccalaureate (IB) and Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes focusing on arts and technology instruction, specifically music, film and game design. I have worked as an adjunct faculty at Lesley University, City University of Seattle, St. Martin’s University, and Wuhan University of Technology in Hubei Province, China.

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